*Important Update - July 3rd, 2020*
Hey Church Family,
I wanted to let everyone know that we have decided to suspend in-person worship until further notice. This was not an easy decision as I have only had the chance to worship alongside you once. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in South Carolin and across the US, we determined it is safest for us to resume worshipping together online for the time being. Maggie and I are longing to get to know y'all and fellowship with everyone. In the meantime, we will be thinking of creative ways to make this happen safely! Please check our Facebook page for more information about services and regular updates. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Peace and Blessings,
Pastor Mason
(Update June 10, 2020)
We are excited to invite you back to worship on June 14th. Below you will find a list of best practices as we reopen.
Dear Church Family,
Soon we will be able to worship together in person. We have adopted the following protocols to help lower the risk of infection from COVID-19. Please read carefully.
General Principles:
In accordance with the Jesus’ command to love neighbor and to care for the vulnerable, and in alignment with Wesley’s three simple rules of living, Do No Harm, Do Good, and Stay in love with God, we plan to resume in person worship with some restrictions.
Worshiping at Home:
If you are not feeling well, or have been exposed to someone who may have been exposed to Covid-19, please stay home and worship online. (worship will be live streamed)
If you are not comfortable coming to worship, or have underlying health risks, please stay home. There is no judgment from choosing to stay home. We love you and want you to be well. Remember, the church is not a building, the church is the body of Christ.
General Information:
We will resume worship on June 14th
There will be one worship service at 11:00am
No Sunday school will be offered
No nursery provided
Please wear a mask for everyone’s safety. (available at entrances)
Hand sanitizer stations will be located around the church
Please maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet between family groups. If you ride together, please sit together.
Please try to refrain from hugging and shaking hands
You are asked not to congregate in common areas before or after the service
Church doors will open 15 minutes before the designated worship time.
The church will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before each worship service
There will be no singing of congregation hymns. (We will have music from soloists and instrumentalists.)
Offering plates will not be passed around. You may mail in your tithe, or place it in the offering plate near the altar.
We will not have a traditional passing of the peace.
The Pastor will greet people after the service outside while maintaining social distancing.
You are invited to bring your children of all ages to worship.
There will be no nursery attendant.
You may use the nursery space for you and your family as long as you are able to maintain social distancing.
These guidelines are based on recommendations from the CDC and the United Methodist Church as well as input from our COVID-19 response team. We cannot wait to see you in worship.
These dates and times may change at any time. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Pastor Andrew
(Update May 20, 2020)
Liberty Family,
I cannot overstate how much I miss seeing your faces every Sunday Morning. I miss greetings, stories, hugs, singing, and all the other wonderful things we so often take for granted about Sunday morning worship. I am truly grieved that I have not had more time with you all as I prepare to move to a new appointment in late June.
The COVID-19 crisis continues to disrupt us in many ways. The spread of COVID-19 is causing all of us to make changes to the ways in which we live and interact with one another. As you know, in-person worship has been suspended since March 22 for the protection of our community. With the direction of the Bishop, medical professionals, and basic common sense, we are beginning to prepare for the resumption of in-person worship with a tentative start date of June 14th.
In these strange days I am reminded of Hebrew people’s journey through the wilderness. In Exodus we find a people praising God for being saved from slavery, only to complain a while later that “God was not providing” for them. As manna came from heaven they ate and had their fill, but then became frustrated that this manna was all they had to eat. The longer the journey continued, the wearier they became. Yet God never deserted them. I am sure many of you are growing weary during this crisis. Remember, you are not alone and God continues to provide in the midst of uncertainty.
Rev. Andrew Wolfe
Rev. Andrew Wolfe